NOTE: To all Admin and Mods and People. All of these Reviews Were Souly made by me.
Burnout: Legends (BL)
Console: DS
Rating: 3.5/10
I REALLY do not prefer this game, for most gamers. You ever hear the saying “Life is like a roller coaster, its got its ups and downs.” Well this game would being going so far underground that scientist could finally get to the core of the earth. One thing that was a major let down is, it was made by EA which usually makes great games. Well since I don’t even HAVE much to say about this game I will go straight to like’s and don’t like’s.
~~~~~~~~~~~~I didn’t like~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Respwan- This game will respwan you after everything you make contact with something other than the wall. Which is really annoying cause even if you tap like a wall in front of you, going about 10mph, It will say you wreaked your front. In real life…..Ya I would understand, but in this game your car is suppose to be like super strong.
-Respwan points- The game has some problems with where it respwan you. There are different reasons…
*-Sometimes it will put you right in the middle of the road. Problem with that, if you weren’t in last you will probably get hit by the person behind you.
*-Sometimes it will respwan you so far back, in the race you lose about 2 positions.
*-Sometimes the game will set you, without the game thinking of traffic, in the middle of traffic. Sometimes I get stuck in traffic were I have to wreak to get out, which most likely sets you in last.
-Focus to much- The game In my opinion focuses to much on wreaks. Every second there’s a wreak there. It so hard to even have a normal race, without traffic, without wreaking.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I did like~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Classic maps- The fact that, if you are a burnout fan, you must have noticed that there were maps from classic burnout games. Sure they changed it around a little. Yet it was good to replay them again.
-NOz- In most other burnout games, there was no Noz. (For you that don’t know what Noz is, it is a liquid that you put in a car, and need to activate (Usually with a switch or button in the car.) and the flames will basically… do I put it……Make your car go a lot faster!)
So as you can see……not the best of games.
So if you like you can say what you think below.
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