The popular Worms franchise is on its way to WiiWare and possibly DSiWare, according to a recent interview with Martyn Brown, creative director of Team 17.
"There's a bunch of things coming out: there's a new Worms for Wii, and PSP and probably DSi coming down the line as well. All digital. And some other new stuff, off in the distance, which we can't discuss... so... well, it's all non-Worms stuff as well."
Team 17 has shifted entirely to digital distribution, and will self-publish all their future titles, starting with Alien Breed Evolution for XBLA, PSN and PC and Worms for iPhone. It would seem the team has gotten tired of dealing with publishers in the retail business.
"We've worked on projects with publishers who told us to pull features, then we get the criticism then from the user-base, which is no fun at all. The latest example was the Wii version of Worms: A Space Oddity and we were told to pull the online way before release and that was purely because they didn't believe that they could test it on time. Rather than the fact that it was actually working," he explained.
"Obviously the end users just don't understand that sort of stuff and we get all the flak, even though we were told we'd be looked after in terms of who made that decision."